
Books For Africa Launches Online Merchandise Store

May 21st, 2024

Books For Africa is pleased to now have an online merchandise store where supporters can purchase BFA gear – a portion of each sale goes to support our programs!


Books For Africa Hosts Rwandan Ambassador at Annual Luncheon 2024: “A Book For Every Child”

May 16th, 2024

Books For Africa was delighted to host Rwandan Ambassador Mathilde Mukantabana as its keynote speaker at the 2024 Annual Luncheon. Read Her Excellency’s remarks and see more photos in our latest success story!


BFA Volunteer Superstar: Shelly Kacergis

April 19th, 2024

Books For Africa relies on thousands of volunteers to handle the sorting and packaging of a variety of books. Among our amazing volunteers, Shelly Kacergis's passion and dedication stand out; Shelly has donated over 500 hours of her time to BFA!. A resident of Atlanta for thirty-two years and a retired community bank employee, she enjoys hands-on volunteer work in addition to financially supporting causes she supports. When Shelly’s not swinging a racket on the tennis court you can find her at BFA sorting the tables to make sure each book is in its proper section, and making sure all plastic items are thrown away or collected for recycling.


Books For Africa Shipment Lands in Nigeria, Distributed by Ovie of the Agbarha-Otor Kingdom

April 8th, 2024

Books For Africa was pleased to complete a shipment of books to Nigeria that was the result of a partnership stemming from 2022! Check out the presentation ceremony to the Ovie (King) of Agbarha-Otor Kingdom.


Books For Africa Supplies French Books to Togo with Child2Child

April 2nd, 2024

Books For Africa's most recent shipment with Child2Child included a special initiative to get French books to Togo. Read more about it in Child2Child's latest online booklet!


15 Containers of Books For Africa Books Sponsored by U.S. Department of Defense Land in Africa

April 1st, 2024

Books For Africa is pleased to have received confirmation that over 390,000 books shipped to three different partners in Nigeria, South Sudan, and Kenya have landed and been distributed. These books, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense Funded Transportation Program, were shipped between June and November of last year.