Books For Africa Partner Reports Success in a Trying Year with BFA's Help

Books For Africa has received a 2020 report from its partner Room to Read, a literacy organization with programs in South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. The report acknowledged that 2020 was a "pivotal" year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and thanked BFA for providing the resources to keep children reading and learning throughout the challenging year, with over 116,000 books sent to South African libraries and an additional 320,000 books on the way to Tanzania and Uganda.

The report highlighted some specific successes made possible with the in-kind support provided by BFA. For example, among the Tanzanian schools where Room to Read was running programs, around 85% of students who advanced to grade two at the beginning of 2020 had fully mastered their reading and writing skills.

Starting in March 2020, as programs pivoted to reach children at home under lockdowns, the no-tech paper books provided by BFA became a critical way to keep kids reading in communities served that do not have reliable internet access. Books For Africa continues to support Room to Read as it adjusts its programs and needs to evolving circumstances.

Said the report in conclusion:

In kind supporters like you provide us with critical resources, allowing us to free up flexible funding for other needs, including unforeseen costs brought on by crises such as the one we faced this year. Your support allowed us to ensure our school libraries are stocked with high quality children's books, a resource that children in many communities have continued to access through special distribution even during school closures. You have played a critical role in ensuring that children around the world have the opportunity and the tools to continue their education during this pandemic.

Development Associate Tiffany Yancey added: "I wanted to take a moment to thank Books For Africa for all your support during one of the most tumultuous years of our existence here at Room to Read. We could not have filled our libraries and children's homes with high quality books without your support."

Read more of the report here!