Trees 4 Books (Simpact Foundation) - Zambia

Project Goal: $16,000

Current Progress: $4,630.62 (29.00%)

Simpact Foundation is partnering with Books For Africa to make books freely accessible for children in poorly funded schools in an environmentally responsive approach. Through the Trees 4 Books project,  we intend to establish libraries and orchards as well as promote environmental conservation education. At Simpact Foundation, we believe that education can act as an equalizer to help vulnerable children overcome poverty in a country where more than half of the children live in extreme poverty. With the help of your donation, we will help improve literacy levels and the quality of education in schools plagued with poor classroom infrastructure, high teacher student ratio and limited or no textbooks.

Establishing libraries and orchards will not only help improve the quality of education and low literacy levels, it will also supplement nutrition for children coming from poor households and raise awareness among children around the importance of growing trees in a country that has the 7th highest deforestation rates in the world. Globally, It is estimated that the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere when trees are cut down for paper production is estimated to be about 28 million metric tons per year, this makes up 20% of all global CO2 emissions. By teaching children, the role that they can play around preserving our Trees 4 Books, we hope to contribute towards raising a generation that is responsive to the urgent need to preserve our planet.

With your donation, you we will not only help us educate a vulnerable child, but you will also contribute towards efforts to save our planet. To learn more about our project visit our website at or contact us at