Partnership for Literacy – One Million Books for Oromia (Jote Taddese) - Ethiopia

Project Goal: $15,300

Current Progress: $6,145 (40.00%)

A Minneapolis based East African community has partnered with Books For Africa (BFA) to organize a literacy campaign and bring 1 million English reference books to multiple communities, schools, and libraries in Oromia region, Ethiopia. This is a globally coordinated collaborative project that will help provide vital learning enrichment for students in subject areas of basic literature, math, chemistry, biology, physics, technology, agriculture, and health education.

Be part of the movement to pave the way for better literacy and transform the lives of thousands of young students. Your support and donations will make a real difference in developing tomorrow's leaders who will bring a brighter future for their families and communities.

To date Partnership for Literacy has shipped 110,000 books to Oromia region in Ethiopia through our ongoing partnership with Books For Africa; we are currently fundraising to send our 6th 40 foot shipping container, which will deliver an additional 22,000 books. These books have been delivered to schools and communities across the region, providing the necessary supplies to students and families who are eager to learn!

You may donate by clicking the “Donate Now” button above, or if you prefer to donate by check, please send a check made payable to Books For Africa to:

Books For Africa
717 Prior Ave N, Ste B
St. Paul, MN 55104 USA

Don't forget to mention Partnership For Literacy on the memo line of your check.

To learn more about the effort to build libraries in Oromia region, watch this interview with BFA Container Captain, Jote Taddese.

For any additional information, please contact:

Jote Taddese
Project Coordinator, Partnership for Literacy