French Books Initiative
Books For Africa works with recipients in Francophone countries to provide appropriate materials for French-speaking learners in Africa.

Books For Africa supplies containers of new French reading and school books to any African country. The books are packed in a 20-foot container, totaling approximately 25,000 books, and ship from France to the African port or interior destination required by the recipient. The books are for primary and secondary levels - there are not university books available.
The recipient selects the books by title at the time the funds are remitted to Books For Africa.
The cost of one container of French books is approximately $10,000 for the books, plus the cost of shipping, which is determined by the final destination.
Your donation will help defray these costs, and help put brand-new books in the hands of French-speaking students across the African continent.
Check out some videos of a recent distribution of French books in Kinshasa, to see the real, on-the-ground impact of your gifts to this initiative!