Books For Africa Achieves Success in a Challenging Year, with Books Shipped to 28 Countries

With the end of June, Books For Africa closed its fiscal year 2021. Though this year faced us with challenges we had never faced before, including port closures, school closures, social distancing and new health and sanitation measures, we are pleased to report that we ended the fiscal year very successfully!

In fiscal year 2021, we shipped 3.1 million books and 224 computers and e-readers to 28 different countries, for a total value of $26.2 million. BFA also raised over $3.1 million to ship these books to Africa readers.

As the world moves forward with efforts to vaccine and recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, we look forward to additional success in fiscal year 2022! Check out some visual summaries of our shipments over the past year below.